Shipping policy
Shipping and Delivery
All products are dispatched from Portugal and, as a rule, through the CTT carrier.
The shipment of any order shall be executed within a maximum estimated period of 5 business days after the Seller’s confirmation of the full and successful payment by the Buyer, provided that the product or service remains available on that date (in stock, in the case of physical products, or active, in the case of digital products).
Any order for which there is no immediate availability on the order date or on the payment confirmation date – particularly with respect to goods or physical products – shall be considered personalized. In the absence of a specific shipping deadline due to reliance on third-party manufacturing, the maximum delivery period is estimated at 90 business days after the Seller’s confirmation of the full and successful payment by the Buyer, provided that the product or service remains in production with the respective manufacturer on that date.
For the purposes of this Agreement, the Seller’s confirmation of full and successful payment shall be deemed to occur when the payment becomes available in the Seller’s checking account, and not at the time of payment by the Buyer nor while the payment is held by the payment institution.
Orders placed via Klarna have an estimated delivery time delay of between 2 and 3 weeks.
Suspension of the Shipping Deadline
Whenever the Buyer contacts the Seller after the completion of the order – whether before or after the Seller’s confirmation of the full and effective payment – without invoking any subsequent just cause that legitimately justifies such post-contractual contact, the estimated shipping period (whether ongoing or pending) shall be automatically suspended for 1 (one) business day, without the need for any notification.
Resolution for Unjustified Contacts and Conversion into Civil Indemnification
If the Buyer repeatedly makes unjustified contacts with the Seller, totaling 3 (three) or more days, consecutive or intermittent, the Seller shall have just cause to terminate the sales contract. In such event, the payment made shall be fully converted into civil indemnification in favor of the Seller, as reparation for the damages arising from the unwarranted contacts, without prejudice to any other liabilities that may be attributed to the Buyer.
Resolution for Offense and Conversion into Civil Indemnification
The Seller may also terminate the contract for just cause whenever the Seller is offended – whether morally, physically, or patrimonially – by the Buyer, regardless of the frequency of such incidents. In such event, the payment made shall likewise be fully converted into civil indemnification in favor of the Seller, as reparation for the damages arising from the offense, without prejudice to any other applicable measures or liabilities that may be attributed to the Buyer.
Effectiveness of the Resolution and Conversion
Upon verification of the conditions established in any of the resolutive and convertible clauses herein, the termination of the contract and the conversion of the full payment into civil indemnification shall produce immediate, irrevocable, and binding effects for both parties, regardless of any notification or additional formality. Such measures shall render the Buyer’s obligations immediately due and enforceable, allowing the Seller to take any judicial or extrajudicial measures necessary to secure its rights.
Geographical Applicability and Nature of Deadlines
The deadlines mentioned above are valid for Portugal, the European Union, and any international destination.
However, for international shipments and shipments to islands within European markets, the deadlines may be extended indefinitely, taking into account the distances, the various means of transport, and customs procedures.
Any deadlines regulated herein are not considered binding but merely indicative; shipment and delivery may occur during the indicated periods, not solely within those indicative terms, and, in justified cases, even after such terms.
Exclusions to Free Shipping
Free shipping does not apply to furniture or other products of medium or large dimensions, nor to shipping fees exceeding 5.00% of the order subtotal, nor to Iberian and continental orders below €100.00 EUR, nor to orders destined for Iberian islands or international destinations.
Price Adjustment
In the event of an error or omission in the pricing of products, services, or shipping fees, the Customer shall be obligated to pay the corrected price, whenever requested by the Seller, under penalty of order cancellation. In such event, the cancellation shall be effected in the form of a 30-day credit refund, convertible into indemnification if the credit expires unused.
After reviewing our Shipping Policy, if you have any questions or would like further information or clarifications about it, please contact us at